April 14, 2024
Exuberant Personality Gathered Together
Tottori TMC welcomed three new members this month, and the energy of the meeting is gradually increasing. We held a Pathways workshop, where we learned about the new Pathways and exchanged opinions with each other. In Table Topics, appointed speakers wearing eye masks delivered speeches about spring vegetables. Making full use of their senses of touch and smell, speakers guessed the vegetables they held. That fresh and exciting style was enjoyable.
VPPR 2023-2024
例会では途中、Pathwaysワークショップと題し、新しいPathwaysの変更点について学び、お互いが意見交換をおこないました。またTable Topicsでは、春野菜をテーマに触覚と嗅覚をフル活用したスピーチに挑戦。目隠しの状態で、テーマの野菜を触って予測しスピーチをする新鮮なスタイルで楽しみました。
TMD & The Best Speakers