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Toastmasters Club

Recent Activities

March 10, 2024

Meeting People Stimulates You Intellectually

The March regular meeting was full of activities, including an induction ceremony, singing, and speech practice. In the Table Topics session, we tried an interactive style speech, inspired by famous audition show. Speakers delivered speeches included specific anecdotes, regardless of whether they were good at the topic or not. Tottori TMC’s meeting is an oasis where you can be inspired and be as fresh as daisy.

VPPR 2023-2024


February 11, 2024

Zestful Season Has Arrived

February is the beginning of the annual Toastmasters’ International Speech Contest.

We held a Club Level Contest and two contestants delivered English speeches.

The Contest made me a little nervous, but their speeches melted my tension away. I was absorbed in not only the contents, but also the facial expressions and gestures that enhance them. As speakers and audience trust each other, that creates a comfortable atmosphere.

Preparing a speech and running a contest can be difficult, but rewarding. This is because there is a culture of putting our heads together and create something better. It is exactly what Toastmasters values.

“Don’t worry too much. Everything is going well. Let’s enjoy!” (From Thought for the Day)

VPPR 2023-2024






“Do not worry much. Everything goes well. Let’s enjoy!”(Thought for the Dayより)

Contestants, Contest Chair, The Best Speakers, and TMD

January 14, 2024

Be Conscious of Your Daily Life and Enjoy the Moment

The first regular meeting of 2024 started with a peaceful atmosphere as usual. For table topics, each speaker gave a unique speech on items related to the New Year, creating a lively atmosphere. I'm grateful that we can all come together every month and have a great time, just like we always do. See you at the regular meeting next month!

VPPR 2023-2024


The Best Speakers and TMD

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