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Recent Activities

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Toastmasters Club

October 13, 2024

Welcoming new member is so rejuvenating!

October’s regular meeting welcomed a new member and a guest and was another success. An induction ceremony was held for our new member and we listened to 3 prepared speeches including an icebreaker by the new member. A preparation session was conducted for our next meeting which is a big open event for anyone to join. We will be celebrating 15th anniversary of our club’s establishment. Please, join us!

Place: Tottori Prefectural Museum 2F

Date: November 10th, Sunday

Time: 14:00–16:30 (reception from 13:30)

All members and guests are required to register their attendance by November 6th! Register here.

See you there!


場所: 鳥取県博物館2階

日時: 11月10日(日) 14:00-16:30(13:30受付)



VPPR 2024-2025


New member and President


TMD & Best Speakers

September 8, 2024

Speeches Can Help You Understand Society of Byzantine Complexity


The Thought for the Day speech set a tone for the meeting this month. There was some interaction between the speaker/moderator and the audience, and I felt more united than usual.

Thanks to an experienced member's speech, I learned a lot from her delivery. In it, she changed positions depending on the situation in her speech and naturally made eye contact with the audience. I also felt passion from members who had been with us for one year. It was a great encouragement.

Speeches offer peoples’ interests and perspectives. Then those spark mutual interest and broaden your interests. See you at the next meeting!

VPPR 2024-2025


9月例会は、今日の思い(Thought for the Day)のスピーチで場が和み、とてもいい雰囲気で始まりました。また、会の中でスピーカー・進行役と聴衆とのやり取りも見られ、いつも以上に一体感が感じられました。



August 18, 2024

Digital consequences overcome skillfully

The August meeting was held at the Koreisha Fukushi Center and was another success despite being digitally challenging. It brought together a variety of 3 different level speakers’ speeches. One was an ice breaker delivered unbelievably well, another was a heart moving story and the last one - an informative and inspiring webinar. We all witnessed a consequence of a PC not working well at the exact moment of need, but nevertheless, the challenge was ingeniously overcome by the skillful speaker. The webinar inspired me not to be afraid of being an evaluator in the future. The table topics session was very fun as always. At the table topics session members and guests are asked to speak on a topic for about 2 minutes. It’s a perfect chance for everyone to practice their impromptu English in front of a small audience. Why don’t you come and join us as a guest?

VPPR 2024-2025


VPPR 2024-2025


TMD & The Best Table Topics Speaker

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