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Recent Activities

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Toastmasters Club

July 14, 2024

Let's work and walk together!

A new term of Tottori Toastmasters Club has begun with the keyword "let’s work and walk together". Every member is valued as they make up the club. Running the club together gives the members a sense of responsibility and at the same time a sense of excitement for the role they are going to play. The new president gave the meeting an atmosphere of celebration by being dressed in a beautiful kimono. The Best Speaker and The Most Improved Speaker of the year were announced and celebrated. And as one of the guests spoke “If you want to go fast then go alone, if you want to go far then go together”, let’s enjoy another year at Toastmasters together!


VPPR 2024-2025


TMD & Best Speakers

The Best Speaker & The Most Improved Speaker 2023-2024

June 9, 2024

Every End Is a New Splendiferous Beginning

The final meeting of the term was another success, welcoming two guests and having four prepared speeches. I was very impressed with the speakers' confident delivery and their interactive speeches with the audience.

This term began with the motto "enjoy". We held Open Houses in Tottori University of Environmental Studies and in Kurayoshi City. We also met many guests and has new five members.

It wasn't easy for me to write speeches and serve as an officer, but I always felt, "I want to hear a speech again next month!" This is also thanks to all the members.

Let's build on this year's success and enjoy next year's activities!

VPPR 2023-2024





May 12, 2024

We Affirm You as You Are

This month's regular meeting was very fulfilling with four speeches including an ice breaker.

In particular, the speech about living harmony with stink bugs was a big hit. It's only in Tottori that you can hear speeches like this. The purpose of a speech varies, but all speeches are attractive. That is because speakers express their thoughts from the bottom of their heart. In Table Topics, we enjoyed speeches inspired by a beauty pageant’s final interview. Speakers were struggle with advanced topics, but we studied a lot! 

VPPR 2023-2024


TMD & The Best Speakers

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