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177th Regular Meeting

September 8, 2024

Speeches Can Help You Understand Society of Byzantine Complexity


The Thought for the Day speech set a tone for the meeting this month. There was some interaction between the speaker/moderator and the audience, and I felt more united than usual.

Thanks to an experienced member's speech, I learned a lot from her delivery. In it, she changed positions depending on the situation in her speech and naturally made eye contact with the audience. I also felt passion from members who had been with us for one year. It was a great encouragement.

Speeches offer peoples’ interests and perspectives. Then those spark mutual interest and broaden your interests. See you at the next meeting!

VPPR 2024-2025


9月例会は、今日の思い(Thought for the Day)のスピーチで場が和み、とてもいい雰囲気で始まりました。また、会の中でスピーカー・進行役と聴衆とのやり取りも見られ、いつも以上に一体感が感じられました。




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