August 5, 2023
We had the first "Casual Meeting" online with 8 participants. Members were more relaxed and enjoyed speeches, evaluations, and chatting.
In ”What's new speech”, members shared their recent news; summer festivals; cooking; bitter cucumbers, watermelon and pickled plums; a change of society discovered on train ride; and books in library.
Please join the next meeting. Inactive members and guests are also welcome!
What's new speechでは、メンバーがそれぞれの近況について簡単に英語スピーチを披露。夏まつりにお料理、ゴーヤ・すいか・梅干しと夏にぴったりの食材、電車に乗って気づく社会の変化から図書館で見つけた本の紹介など盛りだくさん。
1. What's new speech (1-2 min.)
2. Prepared speech
3. Evaluation
4. Table Topics (2-3 min.) Theme : Summer