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Recent Activities

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Toastmasters Club

September 10, 2023

Feel the Atmosphere of Tottori Toastmasters!

We had a regular meeting with our desks arranged in a U-shape. We could see each other's face clearly and could feel the lively atmosphere even before the meeting started. In addition, I was impressed by the way the speakers looked at audience members as if they were talking to them, and how they spoke naturally in their own words, making me feel closer to them psychologically than usual.

Halfway through, one of our members showed up with her 3-month-old daughter, and the room turned even more filled with smiles. I fully enjoyed the great atmosphere of Tottori Toastmasters.



(今月のTable Topicsより)

What were your favorites, when you were in high school?

Let's talk about something you loved when you were a child. Looking back on the past can be said to be a reunion with who you were back then. If you think about why you liked it and how much you liked it from your current perspective, you may discover something new.


VPPR 2023-2024

August 20, 2023

What a Hilarious Day!

We had fewer people than usual, so all the participants spoke a lot. "Hilarious" was perfect word for the meeting.

The prepared speaker did a 22-minute-long speech. Towards the key message of the speech, the content and structure were great, so that the audience didn’t distract from the speech. I was overwhelmed by his delivery that conveyed passion of the speaker's thoughts in his calm manner of speaking.

At the workshop, we had “Biblio Battle”, which was the first time in Tottori TMC. The members introduced their recommended books in English within 2 minutes and decided the best books. The venue burst into laughter when a member talked about the story that she put a picture book with yokai monsters into an empty box of somen noodles so that her grandson won’t scared of the book. It was obvious for her grandson, though. Books from various genres were gathered, and “Not mines, but flowers” was selected as the best book!

In the Table Topics, members delivered speeches themed “books.” It was an opportunity to learn more about each speaker’s thoughts with easy-to-understand questions.





VPPR 2023-2024

(VPPR選:今回のTable Topicsより)

If you wrote an autobiography, what would be the title? Why?

August 5, 2023

We had the first "Casual Meeting" online with 8 participants. Members were more relaxed and enjoyed speeches, evaluations, and chatting.

In ”What's new speech”, members shared their recent news; summer festivals; cooking; bitter cucumbers, watermelon and pickled plums; a change of society discovered on train ride; and books in library.

Please join the next meeting. Inactive members and guests are also welcome!


What's new speechでは、メンバーがそれぞれの近況について簡単に英語スピーチを披露。夏まつりにお料理、ゴーヤ・すいか・梅干しと夏にぴったりの食材、電車に乗って気づく社会の変化から図書館で見つけた本の紹介など盛りだくさん。



1. What's new speech (1-2 min.)

2. Prepared speech

3. Evaluation

4. Table Topics (2-3 min.) Theme : Summer

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